Remedy Tropical Switchel Bottles

Get set to go troppo!

Aloha! We’ve got a not so typical, tropical bevvie for you to try: Remedy Switchel Tropical!

Remedy Switchel is our brand spankin’ NEW drink that’s actually totes old school.

No, it’s not kombucha but YAAAAS it’s damn delish.

Super refreshing and a little fiery, Remedy Switchel is made from raw organic apple cider vinegar and fresh ginger combined with tasty natural ingredients to deliver delectable deliciousness and body boosting goodness direct to your gut!

So whether you are going on a huge health kick, or just searching for some simple swaps, Remedy Switchel is a super tasty, effortlessly easy way to get a dose of daily raw ACV and ginger goodness.

And like all Remedy drinks, Switchel naturally contains no sugar, with an official stamp of approval from I Quit Sugar.

Putting Passiona back in its box, Remedy Tropical Switchel is a perky pine-lime and passionfruit bevvie that’s ripe and ready to hula-hoop its way into your mouth. It’s a g-damn island holiday in a bottle!

Joining Remedy Switchel stable mates Bloody Orange and Finger Lime, you can now buy Remedy Tropical Switchel online at as well as independent supermarkets and grocers.

Wondering what the heck that Switchel drink tastes like and when the flip you’re meant to drink it? Remedy Nutritionist Jacqueline Alwill is here to answer your questions!