Remedy Lunch Box

Healthy lunch swaps made easy

by Remedy Nutritionist Jacqueline Alwill

Most would agree that lunchtime is a pretty welcomed (even if it is only very brief!) break in the day. All too frequently however, in the scramble that is the lunchtime rush, people miss out on absolutely bangin’ nutrition in their meal and bevvie, so today we’ll dive right into just how people in all walks of life can up their game and really crank some good energy for the remainder of the day.

Tradies we’re coming for you first. You’re up at the crack of dawn and on the tools early, so by the time lunch time rolls around the temptation of a sauso rolls, pie or burger with an energy drink is all so tempting but in both the short and long term this kind of lunch doesn’t support your health and worse can lead to a number of chronic health conditions too. The best choice? If you can be prepared to whack a sambo in a lunchbox quickly in the morning or even the night before, pop in some quality carbs such as leftover roast veggies, pack some fruit and rather than team it with a run of the mill high sugar energy drink, swap it out and go for Remedy Good Energy. The combination of green and black tea kombucha in the base of the drink, combined with green coffee bean and panax ginseng, without any added sugar will give you the lift you need AND has the added bonus of actually sustaining your energy and protecting your body from the effects of stress – definitely something for those in labour intensive jobs like yours! Good Energy has just joined the Remedy family with three delicious flavours for you to choose from – Kakadu Plum, Coffee and and Blackberry.

Students we know late nights of partying and study means you need optimal nutrition throughout the day. Whilst a quick, take away, fast food lunch might seem like the easiest choice, it’s time to get some food planning in with your study plan. Your best option here for high quality nutrition to sustain your energy for both study and social life is to swap take out foods and sugar laden drinks for some home cooked leftovers from the night before. Try simple, veggie rich dishes like stir fries, curries, frittata which don’t break the bank either, and take your nutrition and health to the next level by teaming it with a Remedy Kombucha. There are now nine different flavours of Remedy booch to choose from, so you’re totally spoilt for choice. Know that when you do pick up any of Remedy’s delish kombucha that you’re feeding your gut an abundance of beneficial bacteria to support immunity, digestive health, energy and brain function too.

Working hard to achieve your career goals but absolutely hanging for 1pm to take a breather and recharge for the afternoon? Time to think about the food and drinks in your lunch (in the park, obvs, definitely not at your desk…hint…) that will tick the boxes for balanced nutrition and boost your mental function for the rest of the day. Try making a swap from a grab ‘n’ go, scoff and stare at social media/emails whilst at your desk scenario to a lunch that will deliver energy and sustenance. Move over dirty chicken burrito, we’re boosting that lunch time office wrap with some delicious nutritious edge. Grab ingredients from home or the local market such as silverbeet, lentils, chickpeas, lemon, avocado, fresh herbs, feta, dukkah, juicy tomatoes, spring onion, chop them altogether, wrap them up in the big green silverbeet leaves, serve it up with one of Remedy’s insanely delicious Switchel flavours including Tropical, Blood Orange or Finger Lime and head out to get some Vitamin D on your lunch break in the sun. Remedy’s Switchel range made on a base of apple cider vinegar and ginger is the perfect pairing for lunches like these. Switchel keeps you hydrated and with the combination of apple cider vinegar and ginger helps reduce inflammation in the body during times of stress and no doubt we could all do with a little extra help reducing the load of stress in our lives at times right?

Parents, how busy life is for you chasing the small folk, avoiding headaches with teens, and we know how the days and weeks fly by with the crazy schedule of managing family, work and a smidgen of time for you. Sometimes the days go by and you wonder when or IF you actually ate lunch? The crusts from the kids’ sandwiches don’t count for quality nutrition sorry!!! So let’s start with foundations and a bit of routine around it and then go from there. Stock up your fridge with some Remedy Coconut Water Kefir and get into the habit of making yourself a quick salad in the morning as you pop the kids lunches together, maybe if you’ve time boil a few eggs to enjoy for a couple of days with your salads to complete the meal. Feel confident that you’re fuelling your gut with an abundance of natural kefir probiotics from Remedy’s Coconut Water Kefir and hydrating yourself at the same time. Not to mention, just enjoying a little moment reserved for you to nourish and recharge. Remember to take care of your family’s health you have to take care of yours too!

This post originally appeared on Remedy Nutritionist Jacqueline Alwill’s Brown Paper Bag blog.