Remedy Switchel Bottles

Switchel say-what-now?

Have you heard about our new drink, Remedy Switchel? What even is a Switchel you ask? Allow us to explain…

Watch the video featuring our Remedy Nutritionist, Jacqueline Alwill and/or read on!

Switchel the newest member of the Remedy family. But it’s not really all that new. It’s actually kinda old school.

It’s fizzy, a little fiery and super refreshing, made with raw organic apple cider vinegar and fresh organic ginger. And like all Remedy drinks, it naturally contains no sugar.

Sarah and Emmet, the founders of Remedy, have been making Switchel on their own kitchen counter at home for years and they decided it was about time they shared it with you!

Switchel’s history traces back to the West Indies in the 1600s. From there, it spread around the world and was particularly loved by American farmers, who thought was the perfect tonic during and after a hard day’s yakka. And you know what? They were onto something!