Remedy Switchel Bottles

What’s so good about Remedy Switchel?

Remedy Switchel is raw, unpasteurised and positively packed with goodness to benefit your gut health and overall wellbeing with no sugar, naturally.

Watch as Remedy Nutritionist Jacqueline Alwill explains why Remedy Switchel’s so good for you.

Back in the day, farmers believed it was the perfect thirst quencher to hydrate and keep them going.

Turns out, they weren’t wrong!

The goodness of Remedy Switchel comes down to three factors: raw organic apple cider vinegar, real organic ginger juice and no sugar, naturally. Let’s break down the benefits!

Why’s Apple Cider Vinegar so great?

Glad you asked! Here’s a quick hitlist of all the benefits! Apple Cider Vinegar (also known as ACV) can:

  • Help regulate and stabilise blood sugar levels
  • Aid digestion and improve gut health
  • Help to regulate appetite
  • Promote good heart health and help keep cholesterol levels low
  • Help restore balance in the body after heavy physical exertion (whether that’s at the gym or on a worksite),
  • Help balance the body’s pH levels

And what about ginger?

Ginger is reknowned for it’s ability to:

  • support digestion
  • help reduce of inflammation
  • help boost immunity

AND no sugar, naturally you say?

Absolutely no sugar, naturally! Like Remedy Kombucha, Remedy Switchel naturally contains no sugar, with an official tick of approval from Sarah Wilson’s I Quit Sugar Recommends program.

So all these goodies AND it’s delicious? That’s right! So if you’re looking for a tasty, healthy alternative to fizzy soft drinks, Remedy Switchel is a great swap and an easy way to get your daily dose of ACV upping the ante on the goodness in your everyday diet.